Baptist Memorial Health Care’s Creative team recently earned 16 Hermes Creative Awards–5 platinum awards, 6 gold awards and 5 honorable mentions–for its design work and photography. The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Judges evaluated more than 5,600 entries from the US, Canada and abroad. Winning enties for Baptist included Baptist’s Centennial Speaker Series Lunch with Marlee Matlin materials; Baptist DeSoto’s Veterans Day event photography; Baptist Memphis’ Transplant Fall Fest t-shirt; Baptist DeSoto’s “Baptist Is” ad campaign; Baptist DeSoto’s heart fair poster; Baptist University’s reunion save the date postcard; Epic one record direct mail; Baptist Booneville’s back to school health fair t-shirt; Losing to Gain diabetes seminar direct mail; Pink Tie fashion show photography; Baptist Memphis’ Well4Me logo; Baptist Foundation’s Art of Caring materials; Baptist’s Centennial Gala invitation and letterhead; and BHSG’s Select Health Alliance logo. To view the winners online, visit