The Baptist Cancer Center is hosting two seminars to educate the public about lung screenings, a new service for people who might be at risk for lung cancer. Dr. Todd Robbins, co-director of thoracic oncology at the Baptist Cancer Center, will lead both seminars.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Tennessee ranks fourth in the nation for lung cancer deaths, and many do not realize they have lung cancer until it is too late. Now, those who meet certain criteria (older than 50 and have smoked for 20 years or more) are eligible to receive a lung screening that could detect cancer before symptoms appear. Anyone interested in getting a screening can learn how to sign up at one of the seminars.
Nov. 19, Noon to 1 p.m.
The Salvation Army Kroc Center in Memphis
800 East Pkwy. South
Light lunch provided
Reserve a space by going to