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Total Control Training Institute, DBA TCTI Fitness

2150 Gordon Ave. Yazoo City, MS 39194; 15th Street, Yazoo, MS 39194

Two locations (2150 Gordon Ave, Yazoo, City, MS 39194 and 15th Street, Yazoo, MS 39194)
· The normal monthly fee for the 15th Street location is $31 for a 12-month contract, a $50 joining fee, and a $10 one-time key fee. We will waive the joining fee and the one-time key fee
· The normal monthly fee for the Gordon location (24-hour access facility) is $45 for a 12-month contract, a $50 joining fee, and a $10 one-time key fee. We will waive the joining fee and the one-time key fee and will discount the monthly fee to $35.
· To have access to both facilities, $35 monthly fee and $50 one-time joining and key fee. (Discounted from $45 for a 12-month contract, a $50 joining fee, and a $10 one-time key fee)

How to Redeem:
Category: fitness-hobbies-recreation
Contact: 662-746-5147