I’m Thankful for You

It’s November – a good time to reflect on what we’re thankful for. As a leader in this wonderful organization, I can say without hesitation that I’m continually thankful for the loyalty and commitment you’ve shown. I love that America has a holiday this month dedicated to the emotion of gratitude. We wanted to join in the thanksgiving by demonstrating our gratitude for you through our new Thankful for You campaign.

During the month of November, we’re going to celebrate you and your contributions to Baptist. You are the reason our patients are loved. You are the reason our organization succeeds. You are the heart of Baptist.

Despite the numerous challenges we face in health care, your dedication and resolve is inspiring. Our retention rate is now at a historically high level, and our overall employee engagement rate is rising. It fills me with joy that we are united together in this way to care for our patients.

I have faith that we will continue to adapt to the whirlwind changes taking place in our industry because we have incredibly talented, hardworking team members like you throughout our organization.

We’re doing very special things at Baptist, and none of it would be possible without you! I’m so proud and thankful to work alongside you as we continue fulfilling our mission of healing, preaching and teaching.