
Team Members Benefit from Free, Unique Estate Planning

If you are a Baptist team member approaching retirement or are simply concerned about having a secure financial plan for the future, a benefit provided by the Baptist Foundation might just be the answer: free, values-based estate planning.

With this benefit, Baptist team members can work with Thompson and Associates to develop a personalized plan. The group specializes in uncovering ways you can secure your future, provide for loved ones, and self-direct all or part of your estate that otherwise would have been collected as tax. Values-based planning ensures your wishes are communicated with the same passion, values and love that have defined and inspired you.

“The process was invaluable,” said retired Baptist team member John Bridges. “The Thompson and Company representative helped us look at things differently, and I was surprised that from an estate, a gift can be made. Very important that it is free, and they aren’t selling anything. I encourage others to go through this process.”

Thompson and Associates does not give investment advice but can make recommendations concerning trusts and also can assist with gifts to any organization. The service is confidential. To learn more, please call the Baptist Foundation at 901-227-7123.