Jason Little’s COVID-19 Update 4-15-20: Sharing Data with You; Convenient Options for your Health Care


Good morning. Several of you have asked me questions about the data that we are reviewing during the pandemic. I gather with our unified command center team at 4:00 seven days a week to review all of our available data and make decisions for the benefit of our organization. We analyze everything from the availability of PPE across the system, to the numbers of COVID patients in ICUs or on a ventilator, I also receive updates during this meeting on new initiatives that we are putting in place…like yesterday I got a debrief on the success of our virtual Covid clinic as well as our Covid registry that we are building. And I could give you lots more examples. But today, one of our team members named Cindy sent me an email and asked if I could start sharing those data with you in summary form to accompany my videos. Absolutely I can; I’ll include a summary email of data and I’ll try to have that ready to send out to you with my Friday video this week.

Now, on Monday, I spoke about your emotional health. Today, I want to talk again about your physical health. I am really excited to announce that we are launching a new service today. It will give you access to board-certified physicians 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter where you are.

The new service is appropriately called BaptistMD 24/7, and it allows you to connect with a primary care physician in minutes anytime, day or night on your cell phone or on your computer. You can conduct a telephone visit or a video visit, and the doctor can write you a prescription. Plus, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s free for Baptist team members and their dependents who are enrolled in the Baptist health plan.

Now look, if you have a free MyChart account (and if you don’t, you should), you still have access to all of our other great options for receiving care remotely. As I discussed on an earlier video, you can schedule an E-visit or a Video Visit with your local Baptist Medical Group physician, or you can conduct an unscheduled, on-demand Video Visit with a Baptist Medical Group nurse practitioner. You can get prescriptions through MyChart E-visits and Video Visits, too, and during the pandemic, you won’t have to pay an up-front fee those either. But our BMG physicians need sleep too. So those services have not all been available 24 hours a day, until now. BaptistMD 24/7 gives you one more option for receiving great care whenever its most convenient for you. This new service is just one more way that we are working to safeguard your health and the health of those most important to you. Please click on the links below this video for more information on BaptistMD 24/7 and MyChart E-visits and Video Visits.

Now, I’ll be back on Friday with something a little different. I’ll be going to one of Mississippi facilities Friday morning to highlight some information you’ll want to know. See you then.