
Baptist Union City Adds New Flags Near Main Entrance

Baptist Union City recently added two additional flagpoles near its main entrance, making it possible to display the Christian flag and the Baptist Memorial Health Care flag alongside the American flag. Local hospital Auxiliary volunteers presented the new flags that were raised on Monday, Jan. 23 to commemorate the 81st anniversary of the Christian flag, which features a white field, blue canton and red cross.

“Our Auxiliary volunteers are absolutely amazing folks, and we very much appreciate their faithful service to our community,” said Chaplain Michael Dennison, director of pastoral care.

Multiple hospital departments collaborated to add the additional flagpoles, and Chaplain Dennison thanked Universal Contractors for their assistance with installing them.

Skipper Bondurant, Baptist Union City administrator and CEO, also thanked the volunteers who helped make the new flags a reality. He said, “They are an important part of our hospital, and I am thankful they help us provide our vision of becoming an expert system of care where love abounds so that God can do the impossible.”