All relationships are unique and special. Whether a personal relationship, business relationship or work relationship, it often takes commitment and hard work to foster transparency, open dialogue and communication.
This can be especially true for working relationships. To make them successful, we must continually seek input and feedback from each other. Two of the most important traits are commitment and communication.
From April 26-May 17, you will have the opportunity to help enhance your working relationship with Baptist by taking the employee engagement survey. This will be your opportunity to share your bright ideas that will drive future changes in our organization. After we receive the results, we will be connecting with you to help implement the changes necessary to make Baptist the best place to work and the best place for our patients to receive care.
Your survey answers will be strictly confidential, and the survey will only take about 10 minutes to complete. Let me know what you think by responding to this email, tweeting me @jason_m_little, or finding me on LinkedIn. Thank you.