Baptist opens new headache clinic

Baptist recently opened BMG Neurology Specialists Headache Clinic, a practice that provides comprehensive treatment to patients seeking relief from headaches, with a focus on migraine and chronic migraine relief.

Led by new Baptist Medical Group physician Stephen H. Landy, M.D., FAHS ‒ one of only a few Certified Headache Specialists across Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas ‒ the clinic offers an individualized plan for each patient. Dr. Landy works extensively in the treatment of migraine and chronic migraine headaches, which is defined as more than 15 headache days a month during a three-month period.

The clinic treats patients 12 years and older, and it features adjustable lighting and sound reduction to make headache patients as comfortable as possible.

The clinic provides the following services:

  • New and follow-up clinic visits
  • Referrals for additional services and tests
  • BOTOX® injections as a preventive measure for treating patients with chronic migraine
  • Infusion therapies for relief of acute and chronic headaches in a comfortable and quiet atmosphere without the use of narcotics

The clinic is located at 6029 Walnut Grove, Suite 210 on the Baptist Memphis campus. To schedule an appointment, please call 901-226-4910.

Below, Dr. Landy answers some common questions about migraines.

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Approximately 30 million Americans have migraine, 18 percent of women and 6 percent of men. It is most prevalent in adults between the ages of 25 and 55, which is frequently the most productive time of life.
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Migraine frequently presents differently from patient to patient and even in the same patient from attack to attack. Most migraine patients respond to migraine-specific medication, but their response varies from patient to patient and again from attack to attack.
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Chronic migraine is a complication of migraine frequently associated with devastating disability and burdensome financial consequences, including missed work days and repeat emergency room visits.

Thankfully, tremendous advances have been made in neurology, including chronic migraine medicine. In October 2010, the FDA approved BOTOX ®, the first and only FDA-approved preventive treatment for people with chronic migraine. In addition, numerous other chronic migraine treatments, both non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic, are readily available.
