Baptist Huntingdon hosts another successful Celebrity Waiter Dinner

The seventh annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner, hosted by Baptist Huntingdon’s Carroll South Relay for Life Team, was another in a series of successful events, grossing a whopping $13,740.

“The generosity of this community is overwhelming,” says Jennifer Britt, seven-time chairwoman for the Baptist Huntingdon Relay for Life team. “This event has been increasingly successful each year, and I sincerely thank this community for that.”

The celebrity waiters were each assigned to a table. They decorated their tables and provided a centerpiece of items that were auctioned at the dinner. The waiters also sold dinner tickets for their tables and received tips during the dinner. The waiters collected $5,585 in tips and received $5,345 for the centerpieces. Ticket sales totaled $2,810. All the money collected was donated to the Carroll South Relay for Life.

“I appreciate and commend the Baptist Huntingdon Relay team, all who helped chairwoman Jennifer Britt, and the many thoughtful and giving people of our community,” said Susan Breeden, Baptist Huntingdon’s administrator and CEO.

Photo: Baptist Huntingdon Administrator and CEO Susan Breeden, in white, poses with her family at the Celebrity Waiter Dinner.