Baptist Union City’s Service First Champ honored for her ‘servant’s heart’

Patricia Conley, LPN, recently was named Baptist Union City’s second quarter Service First Champion. According to her nominator, Patricia – a Baptist Union City colleague since 1997 – exemplifies Baptist’s Service First philosophy on a daily basis.

That attitude was put to the test recently while Patricia and her nominator were handling a difficult situation between a patient and the patient’s family. To help ease the tense situation, Patricia treated the patient’s family to whatever they wanted in the cafeteria.

“They came back with a feast and smiles bigger than we had seen all day,” said the nominator. “It was priceless.”

After the patient was admitted to the hospital, the family needed to get home but couldn’t find a ride. Patricia offered to take them home.

“As we were loading their belongings into Patricia’s car, I looked over at Patricia’s face and immediately was reminded of one of my favorite Christian songs,” said Patricia’s nominator. “It says, ‘Let them see You in me.’ I knew then while it would have been easier for Patricia to clock out and go home after a long day, that is not her character, and the easy road is not one she travels. She truly has a servant’s heart and treats every person, from every situation and background, exactly as Christ would treat them. It is an honor and a privilege to work with a woman whose character is unshakable and whose heart for serving the Lord is truly an example to us all.”