Beginning Sept. 20, all Baptist colleagues will be able to access their payroll information securely online and will no longer receive printed pay stubs.
“Colleagues will have access to their payroll information 24/7 from anywhere,” said David Garrison, finance director at Baptist. “They won’t have to keep up with paper paycheck stubs.”
Payroll information for the past year will be available through the Employee Self-Service tab on Lawson, located in the Popular Sites menu on MyBaptist. In addition to viewing pay stubs, colleagues can review their benefits, change direct deposit information, check PTO balance, review beneficiaries and more. Colleagues will be able to change benefits online during open enrollment this fall.
For more information and step-by-step instructions for accessing payroll information online, go to the system MyBaptist page and click on the “Baptist moving to paperless pay stubs” article. The instructions also will be e-mailed to colleagues one final time on Friday, Sept. 20. Colleagues who don’t have regular access to a computer can speak with their supervisor or their facility’s human resources department.