Baptist Union County to pilot smart phone communication system

On June 17, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County began piloting a new staff communication system that combines telephone, alarms and text messaging.

The Voalté system uses the Apple iPhone interface to replace multiple hospital communication devices with one communication system. This simplified system will allow clinical staff to make and receive calls over the hospital’s private phone system, receive and respond to patient alarms and alerts, and communicate with other hospital staff through secure two-way messaging.

“We are excited to introduce the Voalté iPhone system to our clinical staff at Baptist Union County,” said Karen Young, nursing informatics analyst at Baptist Union County. “With this system, our clinicians can respond quickly to patients’ calls and collaborate with other clinical staff on patient care via text messaging or phone calls. This quick and accurate communication system will contribute to excellent patient care.”

Baptist Union County will be the first hospital in the Baptist Memorial Health Care system to use the Voalté iPhone system. Initially, nurses, social workers, laboratory technicians, pharmacy technicians, respiratory technicians and other clinical staff will receive the phones, which will work only on hospital grounds.