Prayer time at Baptist Tipton uplifts colleagues, patients and families

For the past few months, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton has offered prayer time each Friday where hospital staff, patients and visitors join together, hold hands and pray with one voice.

At 10 a.m. on Fridays, Chaplain Bill Jordan leads this prayer time to pray for patients, their families and the staff of the hospital. The group gathers in the hospital lobby and if weather permits, prayer time takes place outside in front of the hospital.

“This time of prayer serves to build unity among our staff,” said Jordan. “Breaking down departmental silos.”
Prayer time began in February following a suggestion from Jamie Rodgers, administrator and CEO of Baptist Tipton.

“As we gather and join in prayer for our hospital and community, we are reminded that we are a family,” said Jordan, “A circle of friends and colleagues each vitally important to the mission that we have been entrusted with, caring for our patients and each other.”

Jordan has been overwhelmed by the response of the hospital’s colleagues for this opportunity to pray together. He believes that this short time of prayer encourages and uplifts everyone at the hospital, from staff to patients and their families.

“Though our needs may be different, our answers are the same,” said Jordan. “Through prayer, we are changing lives at Baptist Tipton.”