Nelson named assistant administrator at Baptist Women’s Hospital

Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women recently named Melissa “Missy” Nelson as assistant administrator.
Nelson will oversee a variety of areas including laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, respiratory, urogynecology, physical therapy, audiology, information systems and Epic, Baptist’s electronic health record provider.

Before coming to Baptist, Missy worked at Cleveland Clinic, where she served as department administrator for nephrology.
Before that, she served as department administrator for pediatrics, also at Cleveland. Cleveland Clinic uses Epic as its EHR provider.

“Missy will be a tremendous asset to Baptist Women’s Hospital,” said Anita Vaughn, CEO and administrator of the hospital. “Her knowledge of Epic will prove invaluable as our system makes the transition to EHRs, and her wide breadth of experience overseeing various departments in a hospital setting will help us achieve measurable results, enhance patient experience and implement best practices.”